Jonah & his Whale

POSTED IN | 12:39 AM
On Thursday afternoons a group of gringo students from The Institute (sounds like they're getting psychiatric help. but they're not) comes to La Carpio for asundry activities with the kids and older folks. This week we read about Jonah and did a craft. There were small, ingestible parts involved along with Elmer's finest adhesive. But the kids mostly crafted well. Note: NO compounds were ingested during the activity. And we had a good time. FREE COOKIES!

Antonio the orator. Brushing up on the story.

Carlos crafting.

Finished product.

The cool group (Gringo Juan, supervisor) and the labors of their fruit. Sadly the craft only depicted Jonah being ingested. Perhaps we need another day to craft him getting barfed up all the way to Ninevah. That could get messy though.

We played a game before arts and crafts. Perhaps you can guess which game this is. (?)

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