Asian Invasion

POSTED IN | 12:19 AM

Okay, la. Here they are. All the Singaporians who call the University of Oklahoma their home. (I believe you'll recognize the gentleman with the hat) And it's not a horrible showing, considering the tiny island-nation has only 4 million peeps. Makes me wonder, conversely, how many Oklahomans are in Singapore. I'll guess not many.
Good times though. And good food too. Whoa, Nellie. I recommend dinners hosted by asian student associations any day. No lie.

And the Chinese New Year starts on the 7th. This Thursday, fyi. Mark your calendars. And your woks and rice cookers too. And if you don't know any Asianic brethren, by all means find some, and then invite yourself over for amazing food. Really. It's soo worth it.

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