It's good to be in the small places sometimes. I wouldn't pack up my homestead and relocate to a place such as this, but I do like a bushel of elements that the prairie life has to offer. Namely the sense of community and the brotherhood of belonging. The wheaty embraces and the firm and genuine okra handshakes. The fierce friendliness and the desire to help even a stranger beyond what's asked. These are the colors of the country life. At least the country life as I mildly understand it. Two cheers for a deliberate style of life.
So here's a brief look into a communally significant happening among fiercely proud Oklahomans.

Here we are, rip-roaring down the parade route. At this moment we were probably half-way through our first song — the first song of two. Not a long slog. The trombones are always on the front row. Because we're hott and also so we don't kill anyone with our motoring slides. We can be clumsy...

Enthusiastic Ames patron visually telling me about the fireworks show that would happen in the evening. The pooch's name is Mel Gibson.

Sweet country goodness! After the parade we were fed handsomely by the local American Legion Post.

scenes while rolling out of town.

Country mile.

All in a day's work. Army Strong, Sgt. Rush, Army Strong.
Mel Gibson?! hahaha.....