And, with a week of living here under my belt, we decided it was high time to see La Sele work their cleated magic. So we did. And we enjoyed a rousing bout against Honduras on Wednesday evening in the crisp San Jose air (as lightning flashed over the mountains in the distance). We found out after getting there that it was the 23-and-younger team playing. Kind of the bench-warmers. But no matter. Honduras led late in the second half, but CR managed a draw after netting a goal with five minutes remaining. Quite exciting for all the 5,000 (or less) people there.
And tickets were only $3 (1,500 Colónes), so we brought a van-full (VF) of kids from La Carpio to watch too. They acted like they were bored 'cause it was the second-string team. But we caught them cheering and getting into it more than once. Kids. So transparent.
But not a bad intro into the professional world of latin-american football. Viva la Sele!
As a side note, it seems a bit strange that my Nicaraguan amigos would cheer so heartily for the Costa Rican team. And since Costa Ricans aren't especially hospitable toward the Nicas. Hard to say... I guess it shows that you end up cheering for the locals. No matter what colors they're wearing...
But, a few pics:

Random concession dude, a superfan, and Roberto and Lapiz.
Roberto, Juancho, Lapiz. I picked up a nifty Sele jersey at the gringo mall. Maybe I've earned the right to wear it? But I like it all the same.
hey, your amigo Lapiz (good spanish, huh) is one good looking kid.