I've always wondered why we're trained to drive a car with one foot. Currently, the venerable Dan Ling is learning to drive. Soon he will take his driving test and hopefully cross over into the numerous ranks of legal American vehicle operators.
And in Dan's training they told him to drive with one foot, just like they do everyone else. When I was 16 I thought driving with one lower apendage to be an oversight. And I still think it's totally silly and inefficient.
Barring unfortunate experiences, we've all got two feet. There are two pedals. I see a pattern. My grandpa drove with two, my dad does as well. I drove with my grandpa once just after getting my permit (c. June '99). "Now you'll want to drive with two feet," he said intuitively before we left the driveway. "It's just a better way to drive."
Well said, grandpa. Well said.
"But you'll get the pedals confused," say the masses. Ahhh...I don't think so. I've been behind the wheel for 8 years now and have never gotten them mixed up.
Gas = right foot. Brake = left foot. It's easy.
When you're eating dinner you don't get confused about where the proper silverware utensil goes. Fork = left hand (if you're like me), knife = right hand. It's easy. You don't suddenly lose control with your left hand and send your filet mignon flying into your neighbor's Pinot Noir. You just cut the steak and eat it.
So anyway. Which is it? Dos or uno? I really don't care. It's just interesting.
I drive with two feet.
NOTE: obviously this post pertains to automatic transmission vehicles. when i drive a standard tranny machine i use my right foot for gas AND brake. but that's just a note...
History of One Foot for Two Pedals:
Cars used to have three pedals. At this point, the left foot was reserved for the now obsolte pedal called the "clutch". The right foot was in charge of the brake and the gas (in that order...reading from left to right). So, as things deflated (as they always do in an reductionistic society), we're left with two pedals...and the historically proper right foot.
What the heck, Grandpa never told me about the 2 foot driving. Glad to hear you are keeping the tradition alive through another generation. I think I will stick with one foot so I can eat, text, mess with the radio and talk on the phone unhindered. Oh, and drive too.
Well, I think I'll go with Dinah on the car thing. There are other more important things to do while driving. Why add another foot into the mix? haha...As for the knife and fork thing, I think it's debatable. After the journey to Europe, one can be confused about which utensil to put in which hand. :)
I am a one foot johnny.
so to speak.
I feel I can concentrate on shooting gaps, releasing any necessary birds (promoting a free ranging environment, of course) and text away like a wild man.
I used to drive with 2 feet in the old jeep days when the necessary clutch was in play.
I used to enjoy the clutch but the automatic tranny is the only way to fly.
Especially with the cell phone in play on most rides in the car.
I have driven the Red Pony so much it is an extension of the persona at this point.
The cupholder in just the right spot, the cell phone holder, the strategic seat positioning so as to conceal any necessary on board contraband.
You know.
Classic action.
I am a one foot johnny.
so to speak.
I feel I can concentrate on shooting gaps, releasing any necessary birds (promoting a free ranging environment, of course) and text away like a wild man.
I used to drive with 2 feet in the old jeep days when the necessary clutch was in play.
I used to enjoy the clutch but the automatic tranny is the only way to fly.
Especially with the cell phone in play on most rides in the car.
I have driven the Red Pony so much it is an extension of the persona at this point.
The cupholder in just the right spot, the cell phone holder, the strategic seat positioning so as to conceal any necessary on board contraband.
You know.
Classic action.
women are dangerous
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