The Stuarts get together every other summer for a mass fellowship/yak-fest extravaganza. It's an enjoyable time when I can see all my sundry aunts and uncles, cousins and randoms who are scattered here and there across these expansive States we Americanos call the Motherland. It's usually a time of asking WHO are you? as much as HOW are you?, as there are usually about 60 adults and increasing legions of chillens every reunion (I'm kind of behind the curve in this department).
And some families have grandiose activities and complex gamery at their reunions. In the end, we generally do two things: 1) TALK, and 2) EAT.
Certainly respectable things in their own right. So, in analysis, you could say we Stuarts are largely quality time people. And I'm pretty stoked for next time as the following reunion is scheduled to unfold in lovely Colorado instead of N.E. Oklahoma. This is generally held among the familial masses as a genius decision, as August in the Sooner State is not a time for outside merriment as much as spontaneous combustion.
Some shots from the weekend.
The whole fam stemming from my G-pa and G-ma Stuart. A good looking bunch I think.
There is ALWAYS Mexican Dominoes. I actually won for once. Represent.
Beware, the domino-inest Grandma around. G-ma Stu is tricky on the ivories.
We rented a party barge. Not long after this nearly all our lives were threatened when the boat nearly capsized due to "aggressive" driving on Uncle Alan's part. In the end we lost a few shirts and caps and perhaps a few tempers. We were all just glad to make it out of there unscathed though. Jiminy Christmas. Moral of the story: party barge, though largely unsinkable, should not be piloted like Navy Seal skiff.
Navy Seal Skipper. Takes some skill to nearly drown a party barge. Mad props. Pun intended.
Tubing observers.
Nephew Carson on hole eight of frisbee golf. Papa Stu is clearly mesmerized.
Lo, The Fatman, keeper of cold ones.
Swim time. Bro-in-law Sam was popular...
Very popular.
Josh's surfer do'.
Cousin Echo was not so happy with swim time ending. "But we haven't had ANY fun yet!"