In the past it's been said by a good friend of mine that my blog served as a kind of surrogate girlfriend (thank you, D. Shook) and that the volume of posts was directly proportional to my relationship status. If such erroneous statements are true, then I have obviously been the inattentive bf to my blogosphere these last months. Alas my job now plays the tantalizing mistress. *ghasts* And she's a demanding bird at that.
In any case, I'm on a vacation of sorts these two weeks with the usual summer army banding. Hence I have the time to bring you these riveting updates that you no doubt pine for fortnightly. It's been good to see trees again and walk among hoards of people in one place. So far we've hit several Texas towns on our tour and are lighting up San Antonio currently. Holla.
And it's been great to see my Mid-West based familia. Been a few months. Got some hugs all around, patted the pooches and met the newest family member!
And thus, my new niece, Julianne (below). This little bundle o' J is almost four months old now and can eat bear claws two at a time! She said something about the Boston Marathon next year...

She's a cute'n. I told her to stay away from boys and to consult my brother with all her relationship questions. She said there's this one boy she's texting a lot who she met in the hospital birthing rooms. Riskay...

Papa Stu and his first grand daughter. A lot of pride here.

I got to hold her some as well. Score! She's a breeze. She mostly contemplates how to execute a future hostile takeover of her older brothers' (see below) empire.

Great to see the monkies too. Many bananas are going toward growing these fellers into men in their urban Tulsa jungle.

Brother's fam in its entirety. Yeaaahhh Jonathan!

And a final picture of Chubby Dinah and nephew Joshy. I can finally call my sister chubby and have it mean something! She's heavy with child and due with her first bambino on July 2. She is pretty pumped (as we all are) for the munchkin's arrival. Stay tuned for updates.
Good night, San Antonio!