I'm looking forward to unfurling the journalistic sails under full time winds for the venerable Tinker Take Off flagship. *breaks leg*
So step the mast and hoist sail, mates! There's wind and work aplenty to catch.
But I won't leave you without a pull on the ol' photographic hip flask. No, no. I wouldn't do that. Just enough to wet the whistle, though. It is a school night. A few from my fam's Colorado ski trip yestermonth. We shacked it in a great cabin family style and had a right go of things in Breckenridge. Some choice RUFers joined us for a wolf pack muster and polar bearin', hot tub action.
And my shoulder still hurts from my yard-sale, full-speed skiing wreck on the mountain. Ski-trip accomplished I suppose.
Till next time...

Colorado morning.

Part of the wolf pack, heading up the mountain: Dinah (from right), Me, Mike, Rachel, Josh. (Photo by The Fatman)