I shot him in the leg

POSTED IN | 10:51 PM
I startled awake at 06:45, with a pounding heart and adrenaline aplenty. As my alarm ripped me from the REM zone (time for Army band drill), I realized I had been amidst yet another nightmare of sorts.

I am happy to report there were no bears involved, and yet the highlights remain somewhat disturbing (at least at the time):

-I got kidnapped by a very nasty man.

-My hands were tied to a couch and he tried to kill me by smothering my face with a pillow.

-I escaped to the backyard where a handgun standoff commenced.

-Somehow I got the gun and shot the bad hombre two times in the leg with a Glock .40 (i knew i didn't want to kill him) while yelling like Tarzan.

-Suddenly another antagonist showed up and held one of my co-workers hostage at knife point.

-I called 911 on a suddenly appearing house phone. How convenient!

-I raised the gun at the antagonist and yelled bloody murder at him to release my co-worker while pondering my chances of shooting the bad guy in the head w/o harming my amigo.

-I cocked the pistol hammer back menacingly (like they do in the movies).

-Then the alarm went off and I awoke with a sprinting pacemaker. Game over. Seems I'll have to tune in next season for the finale...

So. Somewhat disturbing to the dreamer. If only I could have a gun in my bear dreams! Level the playing field at least. I think I need to stop watching LOST for awhile...

In the end I'm putting a fluffy, unicorn and rainbow filled episode in my Stuflicks Dream Queue next. Something light and enjoyable would be nice. Haven't dreamed one of those in some months.

And I'd rather not have to shoot anyone else, non-lethal wounds included. That's just kind of stressful...

(input? interpretations? suggested shrinks?)

4 Responses to 'I shot him in the leg'

  • http://justpixels2.blogspot.com/2008/12/i-shot-him-in-leg.html?showComment=1228746600000#c527940134770968660'> 8:30 AM

    I'll have to think about it. Believe me, I am going to enjoy thinking about it.
    I find the following interesting:
    1. You escaped to the backyard.
    2. You were wanting to defend a co-worker.

    What did the bad guys look like? Could you see them?

  • dinah bess said...
    http://justpixels2.blogspot.com/2008/12/i-shot-him-in-leg.html?showComment=1228768260000#c3201973155009843654'> 2:31 PM

    You should try having prego dreams. I have a new vivid one every night, each one more disturbing and bizarre than the last. Sigh,.. only 30 more weeks to go.

  • peachesandplums said...
    http://justpixels2.blogspot.com/2008/12/i-shot-him-in-leg.html?showComment=1228856280000#c6868732518774003646'> 2:58 PM


  • Hannah said...
    http://justpixels2.blogspot.com/2008/12/i-shot-him-in-leg.html?showComment=1228876620000#c8539131455301036330'> 8:37 PM

    At least you escaped. I had a nightmare a few weeks back where I got kidnapped and locked in a dingey apartment. I could hear police sirens and stuff but couldn't get out. Then this nice couple came in to help me. Cooked me dinner, made me feel optimistic. But then my kidnapper came in, so they ran away. I got killed, and it wasn't pretty. Of course, I wouldn't want to shoot anyone either...

    I agree with Daughter of Eve, though, that the co-worker element is interesting. You feeling trapped at work? Or stuck in what you're doing? The whole hero notion is fascinating too.

    Anyway, yeah, maybe lay off LOST for a bit.