Farewell, Happy Serven

POSTED IN | 10:47 PM
Happy, you were a heck of a dog. My stars. You were simple beyond words and yet always made me feel, well, happy. You were perhaps the most consistently benevolent animal I've known. Perhaps we could all take away a life lesson in unbridled and unattributable joy given us by you, a 15-pound ball of black curls that couldn't possibly have seen ANYTHING through those bangs.

May you always have a place at the foot of life's bed. May you also run ever freely beside bicycling humans and not painfully tangle in the leash (oops).

Rest in peace, Happy Pet.


2 Responses to 'Farewell, Happy Serven'

  • Jana said...
    http://justpixels2.blogspot.com/2009/02/farewell-happy-serven.html?showComment=1234586400000#c990072396039791203'> 10:40 PM

    Oh, I am going to miss Happy.
    The world's happiest, most loveable doggy. I will remember his sweet nature and the fun we had with him here and on our walks with our dogs.

  • dinah bess said...
    http://justpixels2.blogspot.com/2009/02/farewell-happy-serven.html?showComment=1234650840000#c5310659143277175055'> 4:34 PM

    Aww, poor haps! The only poodle I actually liked. What a sweet pooch; he'll be missed.