Well, my sis' wedding went down without a hitch last weekend in The Springs of Colorful Colorado. I think it would be an old codger indeed who would say he didn't have a good time at such an event. Lordy. And it was good to see the whole fam as I likely won't make it back for Thanksgiving or Christmas this year (yes brethren, that's the ball and chain of the real world. we can't all have cushy euro vacation standards, which of course is sad).

But as the pre-dinner buzz waned (read: empty stomach w/pre-dinner vino) and the entrees were served at Saturday night's weekend summation meal, I thought that I was quite happy for my sister and new bro-in-law. It's an interesting relationship you have with your siblings, as you're all separate and yet inextricably joined. Your lives affect each other, if only indirectly, and at times directly (see: Grumpy older brother = in-house strife, or bickering girl siblings = fatherly intervention, or angelic youngest child = ultimate bliss).

So, it's just nice when you see something come along in your siblings' lives and know it's a good thing for them, and also take personal enjoyment in the matter, whether it's a marriage, a new bambino, Texas Christian beating Brigham Young, or a random job in Wyoming. Indeed, there's much to be thankful for. And I'm pretty sure I'm not thankful enough.

So, such was the case with seeing both parties in mutual enjoyment at all the wedding festivities last weekend. It does a sibling good, mane.

And as a side note I think Colorado Springs wouldn't be a bad place to get married, either. Whew doggie. I'll put that one on the List...

Pretty compelling, awkward fam shot. My father takes the cake though. WOW.

We blasted some clays the morning before the wedding. Here's Alex, dispatching with his over-under. (OU was pissing away a cushy lead in the Red River Rivalry as this very photo was taken. but i don't want to talk about it)

Lots of delicious things to masticate. All wedding guest parties reported record short-term weight-gains, according to hotel culinary officials.

The fam in a better light. Our first successful all-encompassing fam photo in some time.

Just the siblings. Glasses on the left, losers on the right.

2 Responses to 'Maye-widge...it's what bwings us togethah...tooday...'

  • keely said...
    http://justpixels2.blogspot.com/2008/10/maye-widgeits-what-bwings-us.html?showComment=1224419940000#c2862091448089982973'> 7:39 AM

    i've been waiting for wedding pics. thanks for sharing! looks beautiful. we all could have used the distraction of some nuptials during that horrendous display of footballery.

  • Unknown said...
    http://justpixels2.blogspot.com/2008/10/maye-widgeits-what-bwings-us.html?showComment=1224428640000#c8763754008654606430'> 10:04 AM

    Ah...one of my favorite movie quotes...what a beautiful day and a lovely family!