On the road again

POSTED IN | 12:53 AM
Several snapshots of Texas v. Wyoming scenery. I realize this is filler blog material, but work with me people...we'll see about a whole-milk blog post after the paper deadline this week.
nobody likes the skim, in any type of situation...

I-25 in Wyoming, cruising south about 50 miles north of Cheyenne. One of the windiest corridors of the US. It's delightfully green for about 10 days of the year, before returning to a dusty brown for the remaining 355 days.

Lo, the much sought after Texas Hill Country, north of Fredericksburg. I could easily live here I decided (though in civilization, not the prairie). Nice people, laid-back lifestyle, lots of cycling. Though my brother says Texas' real contribution to society is, ahem, "high-quality" females...

I would say Texans are similar to Wyomingites in the distinct love for their respective states, though the "Texan Hubris" tends to skirt the cultish/freaky scale at times as we all know. Cool it, Bevo-ites. Wyoming does.

Go Team Astana!

2 Responses to 'On the road again'

  • Becky Myers said...
    http://justpixels2.blogspot.com/2009/07/on-road-again.html?showComment=1247488794982#c7232411316315016697'> 7:39 AM

    I only drink skim milk. Just saying.

  • Anonymous said...
    http://justpixels2.blogspot.com/2009/07/on-road-again.html?showComment=1248540381571#c572986481174989077'> 11:46 AM

    That comment was used out of context without my permission....even if it happens to be true...my lawyers will be in touch...