Sister Dinah had her babe this morn in OKC. Landed a good'n from the looks of it, tipping the scales at 7 lbs. 8 oz. I think she's a keeper, Mammy! She's now my second niece in the lineup. Woot woot! Mom and baby are doing well (I think I'm pretty much obligated to write this phrase. But thankfully it's true). Welcome to the wide world, Genevieve Simone L'Heureux.

First words of wisdom: be nice to your younger siblings...when you have some. Deal? Awesome.

2 Responses to 'Roger that, Houston...The stork has landed.'

  • Tami said...'> 8:30 AM

    Yeah! A picture finally. She looks very cozy and...charmante.

  • Sam Negus said...'> 7:11 AM

    viva la baby