Rolling...with my 4.0...

POSTED IN | 11:59 AM

I was surprised and then excited to check this semester's grades online a few days ago. And, much to my dismay, it seems I closed out my undergraduate career with the much sought after and seldom achieved four-point-oh GPA. This has never happened to me before. I'll chalk it up to a spindly class load, and the secondary-schoolish difficulty level of these classes. so hey, I'm okay with it. Turn off the lights and I'll glow...

3 Responses to 'Rolling...with my 4.0...'

  • dinah bess said...'> 4:51 PM

    Yeah chubbs! Welcome to the big leagues. Oh, and ice, ice, baby.

  • Anonymous said...'> 9:54 PM

    It seems I am the only sib who did not hold this honor.

    Of course I never took a mere 6 hours in one semester.

    Or African Repercussions.

  • Anonymous said...'> 4:32 AM

    Is 4.0 good or bad? Us Briddish types use the outdated method of "percentages" to calculate how we've done. How it works is 100% is really good and 0% is really bad. 60% will scrape you a job that provides a pension and 40% will lead to you flipping burgers in the local Wendys equivalent.

    Unfortunately for the second of these two groups, regardless of results, you'll be left indebted to the government to the tune of $60,000 so the real maths comes down to when you want to be able to afford a slice of bread and a piece of cheese for some tasty sustenance!

    I guess you'd only post your results if they were good, so well done good sir! It appears you can now legally address the masses about the impact of slavery without fear of imprisonment.