Glass (Gloss) Mountains

POSTED IN | 10:54 PM

Northern Oklahoma is home to some majestic mesas. Bet you didn't know that. They're called the Glass Mountains. But then they're also called the Gloss Mountains. Seems people are kind of confused. Even the cartographers. But there they are, up near sprawling Enid, Oklahoma, glassing and glossing away.

And so I fancied upon these flat-top skyline gems the other week, a spontaneous Saturday drive. And while their name is a lie (true mountains they're not), they are glassy. And glossy too!, incidentally. Mostly on account of the gypsum running through their veins.

In settlement days, the pioneers called them the glittering hills and used the shiny pebbles as good luck charms. The stones are said to have healing powers among the Native Americans as well.

Well, okay, not really. I made all that up. But the glimmering rocks are kinda cool looking.

So. Yeah. Lo. A panoramic of the glassing-glossing "mountains" of Northern Oklahoma. Here's to spontaneous Saturday drives.

3 Responses to 'Glass (Gloss) Mountains'

  • Thomas said...'> 9:14 AM

    Cool pic.

  • Laura Negus said...'> 8:48 AM

    Maybe there was just some plum-in-mouth southern-English person involved in the study/cartography of le mountains at some point.

  • Anonymous said...'> 8:57 AM

    So. I haven't read this in awhile, however, yay for the Gloss Mountains getting on your page!! And to the residents who live near the mountains, they are called Gloss. And they're not near Enid - they're near Fairview!! Oh the stories I could tell you from that region.