In like a lamb, out like a lion? It seems likely to be the case here on the frozen Western tundra. Just as Winter's Old Man was about to put his feet up, turn on some March Madness and call his frigid pestering quits, it's as though he still has unfinished wintry biznass. Ah well. The end is in sight. May? Spring thaw? I can make it. Garaged bicycle? I'm sorry, friend. It's not your fault. I promise.
Bring it on, Old Man. And break a hip while you're at it.
I have driven on more dirt/gravel roads in the last seven months than ever before in my life. Some nice scenery though, despite the chilling wind.
Driving in to Douglas from the north. Perdy nice view. Come foliage time those trees will be much more alluring, I'll wager.
In other news I covered my first murder-suicide this week that happened just outside of town (down the pictured dirt road). Pretty weird. Get to call some family members for their comments about the deceased this week. Fun times. No, not really. Don't really get university classes on that sort of thing. All part of the gig, I suppose. A "Top 5" important thing I've learned since being a reporter: the world is a much darker place than you think. Or at least there's a crap load of nastiness on society's underbelly that, unless your job has you dealing with it regularly (courts, cops, police scanner duty, etc), goes largely (blissfully) unnoticed. Try going to a sex offender trial sometime where the 13-yr-old victim speaks about how it ruined her life. Yech. "He was everything to me and he did this. You never really know what people are like on the inside." She said that to her step dad, the bad guy. Wow.
News flash. Our world is pretty messy at times. Even the rural parts.
So, some thoughts on sundry news assignments of late.
(I can't normally use longer sentences, so I use them here, fyi)
Didn't mean for this to end up quite so dark...
Go Sooners! Beat the Cowboys!
The end.
Keep your head up. A reporter with grace and tact is, I'm sure, very appreciated in those dark times and situations. The media may be accused of being godless, but you can always be a man of integrity in the line of duty.
On a lighter note, I'd like to point out a small error in your entry: I am convinced you meant to say, "Go Cowboys!"
And Lo the darkness didst fall...and we were sore afraid...
--Lewis 1804
I stand corrected. I obviously need to beef up my Sooner State knowledge. I unwittingly cheered for the bad guys in the Sooner-Cowboy game. I obviously need to beef up my March Madness knowledge, too, or I would not have made such a grave mistake. I am sorry, John. Go year.