
Oklahoma's finest.

This is Anthony. He is fireproof.

There's nothing better...

photo by B.L.

Ol' D. Ling didn't make it past 10:30. Fortunately, he got a second wind shortly after this, sustaining him till close to 11:45.

photo by B.L.

photo by B.L.

Nothing quite like the morning time after sleeping in the cold air on the stone-like terra firma.

J. Campos and A-dawg. Campos is an eagle scout. And we all thought having the word "camp" in his last name made for a good fit with the excursion.

Morning lethargy.


The gang.

1 Response to 'RUF campout — Wichita Mts. Wildlife Refuge'

  • Anonymous said...
    http://justpixels2.blogspot.com/2006/10/ruf-campout-wichita-mts-wildlife.html?showComment=1161103500000#c116110353387305695'> 11:45 AM

    Ooo, nice pictres. The girls look ready for action in the background. Probably looking for daddy.