So we gathered. We talked and mingled. We raced cars and jingled. We joined feed bags around the kitchen trough. There was bread breaking and the giving of thanks. There was a little wine too, heh heh. But all in all a quite enjoyable day here at the Stu Ranch. Hope yours was equally enjoyable. So here are a few momentos.

fyi: the cadillac is having lens trouble and currently off-line. yes. mourn with me. so, the sidearm capturing-device is filling in. just fyi.

Christmas is a sad time for some...

Flashlights were a big hit with the nephews. I don't think they read the manual about not shining them at peoples' faces.

Further Inspection: darn. ants not included.

Josh and Granny. Notice the child's fistful of candied pecans. That's what grannies do best...

Walking it Off: post-feeding walk with the beasts. At one point the number of dogs in the house hit seven. Surprisingly only one slice of foolishly placed pie was claimed by the hounds. The children sustained no injuries.

Sticks and Stones: Grandpa showing Grandson the finer points of field-side martial arts. They say the younger years are the most formative of a child's life...

Two-year-old inversion, courtesy of Sir Alex.

Enjoying himself, or just the attention.

The whole fam, in case we left some out. Two key figures (see below) couldn't make it today as they are basking in the UK's delight with the "other" side of the family. You might also notice the black shape in the shadows on the right side of the frame. That's Molly. I guess she wanted to be a part of the moment too.

Vid chat screen capture. Did you know they got computers all the way over there in Engle-land?

4 Responses to 'Christmas Time in the City (sort of)'

  • schupack said...'> 12:18 PM


  • Anonymous said...'> 4:44 PM

    And a grand time was had by all...
    Good to find you and catch up (in an on-line kind of way) with the fam.

  • Laura Negus said...'> 12:09 PM

    Oh, yeah, wait til we're gone to get the family photo! Nice, though. especially mopey Mol. Needs more homeopathics.

  • Unknown said...'> 9:55 AM

    Oh my friend - looks like you had a wonderful time of being with family! Thanks for sharing a bit of your Christmas with us! (feeling all hot and sweaty in Panama...sigh...) Erin

