Happy Sixth, Carson

POSTED IN | 12:35 AM
Nephew No. 1 turned six years old this week. Or last week, actually (he was born on 02/02/02). Some commemorations were made this afternoon at the historic Perfect Swing. Oh, the memories in that place. Seems only yesterday I too was wolfing cake and running a-muck in those lofty entertainment corridors. But today there was much rejoicing. A lot of general merry making and simple sugars ingested. The norm. But a good time, for sure.

(Sometimes I wonder [when in public] if people think Carson or Joshy are actually my chillens. Not that it's overly confusing really. Though my bro and I look a good bit alike. But that would be kind of a curious snafu. Fortunately, the Fatman was standing nearby by in his crisp business professionals and iPhone clip-on, thus blunting any possibility of a mix-up.)

But on to the shots.

Made a wish. Sis-in-law, Laura, made the cake. Nice work. Tasty too. Then she cut it into pieces using dental floss. I thought that was pretty cool. Strangely, it made me think of the movies where they always strangle people with dental-floss like wires. I guess floss has lots of uses. But back to the youth birthday party...

Classmates: Carson y Anna.

Nephew No. 2 didn't seem to notice that today was all about his older brother. He just indulged himself in various ball-based games.

2 Responses to 'Happy Sixth, Carson'

  • Clint said...
    http://justpixels2.blogspot.com/2008/02/happy-sixth-carson.html?showComment=1202315340000#c6584250731412970622'> 10:29 AM

    word on the street is that Perfect Swing is rapidly deteriorating (literally), because the owner is basically just using it as a placeholder for some prime real estate that will increase in value in the coming years of Norman's eastward expansion. in the meantime, he is doing the bare minimum to upkeep what will eventually be flattened to make way for apartments/strip mall/tri-syllabic housing edition.

    there are few things more fantastic/entertaining than a dilapidated, 'child-centered' recreation area. they arguably make for the best play places.

    although, your pics don't seem to reveal this. i am now suspicious of these rumors.

  • peachesandplums said...
    http://justpixels2.blogspot.com/2008/02/happy-sixth-carson.html?showComment=1202360700000#c1924258459119248154'> 11:05 PM

    i once strangled a girl with dental floss...

    and then i shot a man in reno. just to watch him die.