Hearty Lunch

POSTED IN | 11:44 PM
My Granny has lived in Norman for about seven years now. After the stroke she moved into an assisted living place here in town and has called it home ever since.
And I thought a few months ago about the number of times I've been over there to see her these past years. Unfortunately not a great many.

So, upon my return Norman-side in November, I thought I'd see what I could do to get over there more often. It's been nice. And so, with today rolling around and grains in the hour-glass to spare, I thought a Valentine's lunch seemed fitting. Indeed twas nice.

Dessert. My Granny introduced me to lots of people on the way to the dining room. One disgruntled tenant openly criticized the lunch special, brushing aside our introductions. I just nodded my head in agreement, holding back a smile. I thought it all tasted fine. But I don't eat there every day.

Munch. Gran enjoying the valentine vittles. My Gran is funny. She has a way better memory than I do, and recounted the back stories of numerous people sprinkled throughout the dining room. Thankfully most of the folks can't hear real well either, otherwise her stage whisper exposition could've been a bit awkward.

In the apartment. My Granny gets The Tulsa World and The Oklahoman every day. She reads EVERY word of both. Go ahead, ask her about something on page D15. She'll give you an earful.

Close up. I showed her this one after taking it. "Well, I just look like an old lady these days," she said almost surprised. "Well, and I guess I am one."
"Well, yeah, you kind of are, Gran," I offered afterthoughtedly. I chuckled on the inside.


Gran and grandson.

Aerial. Overall it's a nice place, I think. It's always interesting going there. Visitors are noticed. Almost like "OH...LOOK!, it's one of those things from the outside! And it's a young one too!"

And not to be crass, but it seems sad in a way. Makes me think that not many people go visit their relatives. Not many people from the outside go in there. Hmm. I don't know. Regardless, I had a nice time. Happy V-day, Gran.

And while the Valentine lunch was nice, I will say I enjoyed the previous evening's meal with someone else even more. And yeah, who knew I could dominate in the kitchen like that? I'm suspicious. Maybe she only likes me for my voluptuous culinary prowess. Yeah, I'd better check into that...

3 Responses to 'Hearty Lunch'

  • http://justpixels2.blogspot.com/2008/02/hearty-lunch.html?showComment=1203124500000#c4489944555617695284'> 7:15 PM

    Gran's stage whisper is monumental. It can almost be heard in Norman.

    And as for your VOLUPTUOUS culinary skills, I assure you that's not why Sally likes you. Woh! That's some word choice, Senor.

    Unrestrained, sensual, and full-bodied pleasure.

    I'm having a big ole blush right about now.

  • http://justpixels2.blogspot.com/2008/02/hearty-lunch.html?showComment=1203124560000#c2423223515716301099'> 7:16 PM

    Oh, and the first thing I heard this morning when I went down to the kitchen was, "Well, Jane told me that Lilian's grandson was there to have dinner with her."

  • Unknown said...
    http://justpixels2.blogspot.com/2008/02/hearty-lunch.html?showComment=1203180240000#c1891958495914454425'> 10:44 AM

    What a beautiful woman! What a beautiful time with the grandson - those times are precious...not having any more grandparents, I realize now how important they were and glad that I have many to remember :-)