'God's Country'

Two weekends ago, Brittany and and I went to Austin for a visit. I met lots of her burnt orange friends, had a fair share of "real beer," went to J Ram's bro's 6-man football game and generally had a great time.

My overall impressions after the trip:

1. Hillcountry Texas is way prettier than N. Texas.
2. I could live in Austin w/o much difficulty (obviously the 'Horns are thick, but there are bike lanes, good public transportation, a wealth of health food stores, a prominent Crunchy Con subculture and good churches. I mean really, what else is there people?)
3. HEB's wine selection is pretty boss
4. Good friends are something to be prized and really really thankful for.
5. Watching your football team win whilst in the home town of your rival school feels REALLY good.

Some shots from the weekend...

Rolling south to the Longhorn Mecca. I wanted a shot of the Austin city limits road sign, but missed it. Guess I'll have to go back...

UT's big tower on campus. When UT wins they light it up with (how did you guess?) orange lights. Interestingly, the tower has not been lit up in some time...

Subtle defiance.

Just engaged. Jonathan is changing HIS name, don't worry.

The Balboa shot.

The University press. Circulation: 1.

Here's the hippy sign imploring the masses to use alterate forms of transportation. I couldn't help but think about my lonely bike way back in Norman. A bike-tour of UT's campus would've been awesome.

Your average downtown Austin mural.

"Like, hook 'em horns..."

Mellow Mushroom pizza — a beautifully crafted pie.

Drifters on Guadelupe Street.

Brittany's friend, Nora is an art major at St. Edwards in Austin. She did this piece for Brit's birthday. I call it "Blossoming Crimson and Cream" But others might have different titles...

Some champagne and some Scattergories. J. Ramsay popped over to Austin that weekend from his home in Fredericksburg. Really good to see the definitive J Rams...

Look! REAL Texas women. I've heard of these marveled creatures only in story books...but I assure you, they are alive and well.
The best part though was being in a sportsbar in downtown Austin watching OU dominate Nebraska for the Big 12 title.

The stunning capitol of Texas. I was told by a very knowledgeable source and in a very proud declaration that this building is actually taller than our nation's capitol. Alls I know is that is looks cool with the lights lit up at night.

1 Response to ''God's Country''

  • Anonymous said...
    http://justpixels2.blogspot.com/2006/12/gods-country.html?showComment=1166058840000#c116605885293942670'> 7:14 PM

    Is that Brittney at the Pool Table or "The Black Widow"