Baby Owl

POSTED IN | 12:49 AM

To continue the animal theme. We found this lil' owl outside a co-worker's house where it had dropped from a tree. We did what any upstanding trio of twenty-something males would do, and took it under our wing(s). Thus, we fed it vienna sausage bits and water. It seemed like it was making a great comeback. Live, Hedwig! Live! But sadly it passed the next day. We blame the vienna sausages. It wasn't my idea. Services were held at the First United Backyard Cottonwood, with Rev. Spade presiding. The family of the deceased would like to encourage all to make a donation to an Anti-Processed Meat organization of their choice.

1 Response to 'Baby Owl'

  •'> 8:50 PM

    I think it's the one-eyed animal theme.

    Vienna sausage. That infuriates me. Murderers.

