"Well what's your stance on the second amendment," the question was dropped on the politician during a blustery, chilling Labor Day afternoon in Douglas, Wyoming.

The breeze whipped and the cutting rain made enemies as I looked about the informal forum of Douglas' Washington Park. The crowd, a contingent of Union Pacific's finest, bolstered the park benches and gazebo protection. The cook even finding his turtle shell under roof, running out to gingerly flip angus and brat amid sizzling raindrop-grill conflicts.

The man, politician, full of hope for his state, full of yearning for a US House hook to hang his hat, offered his party tack. I sat, among looser-acquaintances, regarding the invite I received off-hand from the open window of a running car, as I walked about my block earlier.

So the politician spoke of his ideas. He spoke of women's rights regarding babies and made a stop down Healthcare Lane before making a final rhetoric approach to Tax Regional. An eloquent orator. The goose-bump rain beaded his bald pate. Though his white shirt-in-rain combination proved perhaps an unfortunate wardrobe choice that afternoon.

He finished his commenting and opened himself for questions from his rail-line backers. And so the question was asked.

"Well what's your stance on the second amendment?"

He paused and wiped away the wetness in his brows, fully exposed out from under the park-side turtle shell. And he offered his simple affirmation.

"Oh, I'm pro-gun ownership for sure," he reassured.

The serum settled into the crowd, and I believe I saw the tension release in more than one pair of shoulders.

Pro-choice, pro-national health care, pro-sustainable energy — these notions are locked and loaded by many Wyomingites, be it a smaller contingent than the othering majority.

But barring the full-bore liberties of the Second Amendment? Get real. Not in this state. Not in 2008. You'll be prying weapons from fingers long frigid and deceased before you'll take them from a body warm with life.

So I was mildly amused at the love for firearms within this game-laden state, and wondered if perhaps even that gun-toting ideal would ever be overturned in company barbecues to come.

But regardless, I don't care what you say about Wyoming democrats, they grill a damn good bratwurst.

1 Response to 'Get Real - Wyoming Democrats hold line, keep state values at heart'

  • Molly said...
    http://justpixels2.blogspot.com/2008/09/get-real-wyoming-democrats-hold-line.html?showComment=1221708960000#c5069361328114112727'> 10:36 PM

    If you take away their guns, how will they shoot the tasty morsels!?

