Old School

I perused my archives the other week for Rev. Serven. Something about redoing the RUF web site or some such. But it's the sentimental's wonderland looking through his archives, so I enjoyed it. You'll see a few selects from my efforts. If you don't know what these folks look like presently, I apologize. You probably can't appreciate the then-vs-now shock effect. But regardless, I think a grown man riding a croquet mallet in a stars-and-stripes shirt is pretty entertaining no matter when you jump on the wagon.

Very nice, Doug. Some croquet in my rents' back yard, May '03. Notice Anna on the right.

Super chunk. Anna at RUF's once-and-done (but highly enjoyable) Week in the Word, March '03.

Sir Cal.

Dog walk at my rents' house. Early spring '03, I think. Cal, Russ, and Ruth. And Prince and Molly representing the animal kingdom. Molly's the black one.

There are always overachievers to be had in this life. Mr. Ramsay took the WWJD phrase to new heights, even compromising personal hygiene to LOOK like Jesus too. That's really something...And Thomas just looks the same. (RUF Easter Dinner, spring '06)

And I wouldn't be above reproach without an oldy-moldy of myself. So, here I am with Laura (left) and Mikki at the Pride marching band banquet, January '03. We three marched next to each other in the Rose Bowl parade in LA earlier that month, so we wanted a legit shot too. Good times. My tie is pretty awesome. I think that was the last time I wore it, actually. The antlers and flintlock just weren't the look I was going for.

1 Response to 'Old School'

  • Becky Myers said...
    http://justpixels2.blogspot.com/2008/06/old-school.html?showComment=1214654280000#c6447007941736580936'> 6:58 AM

    Wow. That was pretty awesome.

    Doug riding the crochet mallet=normal.

    Anna, Cal, You, and Thomas looking so young=weird!