Just the Scenery

POSTED IN | 12:04 AM
Cabin fever struck in the early postmeridian. The snowshoes were affixed and a jaunt in the still-falling white ensued. There has been a complaint about the yellow snow shot from a reader. "Why if you have all that scenery do you show the dog pee?" So, perhaps this will make up for that. I just like to show everything that's happening, you know?

Here are some other shots from a different perspective. Dinah finally updated her blog. It's like, some people just don't take their blogging lives seriously. Seriously!

Sorta sunset. An A for effort.

So you don't lose it.



Nearby scene.

Nearby scene with more weather.

Neighborhood limits.

Resting position. One quickly learns one's fitness level when breaking trail at 10,000 feet. Especially if you're a native flatlander. My lungs fill to capacity over and over with seeming little effect. Almost like breathing thinner air with less oxygen...



Cabinscape (from the resting position).

3 Responses to 'Just the Scenery'

  • http://justpixels2.blogspot.com/2008/01/just-scenery.html?showComment=1199976240000#c4338790176418721975'> 8:44 AM

    Much better, Good Boy! :-)

    I love the trunks and the dollops.

    AND it never occurred to me that snow shoes would have gone technologically advanced. That is surely not what they looked like when I strapped the things on. That is so cool. Thanks for that educational pic.

    And in that last picture...it looks like the cloud that guided the Israelites by day. Is that how you knew which cabin was yours?

  • Jay said...
    http://justpixels2.blogspot.com/2008/01/just-scenery.html?showComment=1199978100000#c1883902960897888060'> 9:15 AM

    I'm jealous. And no, I most certainly did not botch the parallel parking. The reason I had a restriction was because of the stupid GDL thing they implemented a few years back.

  • schupack said...
    http://justpixels2.blogspot.com/2008/01/just-scenery.html?showComment=1199982720000#c358236840309368269'> 10:32 AM

    yeah, I'll admit those mountainous areas are not so good at the whole sunset thing...

