Kansas, I'm Sorry...

POSTED IN | 11:02 PM
West Kansas has a pretty bad rap for its less-than-stimulating topographical features. And sometimes driving through it is close to excruciating. But I didn't mind the trip through the expansive plains too much this time as we headed back Oklahomaside. Even thought it was downright scenic on several occasions. I know.
So, Kansas, I'm sorry. Every place has its Shangri-La. You just have to see it in the right light. Literally.

...reminds me of the airplane scene in North by Northwest...


2 Responses to 'Kansas, I'm Sorry...'

  • Anonymous said...
    http://justpixels2.blogspot.com/2008/01/kansas-im-sorry.html?showComment=1200413760000#c9039641226579336960'> 10:16 AM

    Hooray! These are really beautiful.
    Three cheers for beautiful, scenic,
    colorful Kansas.

  • Laura Negus said...
    http://justpixels2.blogspot.com/2008/01/kansas-im-sorry.html?showComment=1200755400000#c9066310248323446779'> 9:10 AM

    Some people think a landscape has to have a thrill-a-minute to be worth anything, but there is something equally beautiful in massive expanses of meditative space, cloud patterns, wheat fields, sunsets.

